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How to purchase the artwork

Purchase and payment instructions :

A.  Online purchase (without viewing the physical item)

B.  Provisional purchase (subject to a physical inspection of the item)

C.  Donations to the charity  without buying a work of art.


A. Online purchase (without viewing the physical item)

  1. The buyer should send an email to the artist with a copy to

    expressing his/her wish to purchase and also to determine and agree with the artist how to collect the work, either by collecting in person or by third party delivery. Currently all items on the site are located close to the St Germain-en-Laye area.​ 

  2. Once delivery arrangements have been agreed, the sale is considered firm and the artist should send a confirmation mail to the buyer, with a copy to A provisional sale (Reserved) notice will appear on the site.

  3. In the event that the buyer collects from the stated location there are no additional costs. If however buyer opts for a third-party delivery (post, UPS, etc.) there will be a pro forma charge of 50€ to be added to the purchase price. This may be adjusted later to actual costs where appropriate.

  4. The buyer should then make the appropriate payment by bank transfer to the LIONS CLUB OF YVELINES HERALDIC CHARITY IBAN: FR13 3000 2089 9400 0007 0653 Z82 Code BIC: CRLYFRPP.

  5. Once receipt has been confirmed by LCYH’s treasurer, a confirmed sale (Sold) notice will be put on the site. 

  6. If the buyer has opted for a third-party delivery, the artist undertakes to arrange this as promptly as possible.  After effecting the dispatch, the artist will send an email to the buyer with copy to LCYH giving reference details.

  7. Once delivered, the buyer should send an email to the artist with copy to LCYH to confirm safe receipt. Thereafter, no claims or disputes can be received as the buyer undertakes to purchase on an ‘as is’ basis.

  8. LCYH undertakes to make a prompt bank transfer to the artist of 50% of the selling price plus the full cost of delivery upon receipt of an invoice.  In the event that delivery costs are less than 50€, the buyer will be reimbursed the difference, and in the case of a higher amount the buyer undertakes to pay the excess to LCYH by bank transfer.


B.  Provisional purchase (subject to a physical inspection of the item)

If a Buyer is interested in purchasing a work, subject to seeing the article in person.

  1. The buyer should send an email to the artist with copy to LCYH (as per A.1.), expressing intent to purchase, subject to actual inspection and viewing of the item. 

  2. A provisional sale (Reserve : subject review) will be posted on the site.

  3. The buyer should arrange with the artist to view the work within a short time frame of  72 hours. Beyond this period the sale remains provisional, but should there be another buyer for the same item he/she can place his purchase request into the system.  The first buyer will then be notified by LCYH and has 24 hours to either confirm (without prior viewing) or retract the provisional purchase.

  4. If after inspection the buyer is satisfied with the work and wishes to take immediate possession of the item, he/she should pay LCYH  the full purchase amount by electronic bank transfer.

  5. Should this not be possible, the buyer should make out a cheque payable to LCYH for the full purchase amount and give it to the artist, who should then forward to it to LCYH.

  6. After receipt of the payment, LCYH will send out an email to the buyer and the artist confirming the sale, and undertakes to make a prompt bank transfer to the artist of 50% of the selling price. A sales notice will be posted on the site.


C.  Donations to the charity : La Jeunesse de Croissy, section Gymnastique Adaptée (without buying a work of art).

Should you wish to make a voluntary donation to the charity separate from any purchase, please go to:

and follow the instructions on the site. A fiscal receipt for 66% of the amount donated will be sent directly to you by Helloasso.

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